Monday, September 13, 2004


I know it's late notice AND it's a school night. . . but I'm going to see "We Don't Live Here Anymore" tonight at the Metro at 9:20. If anybody wants to get a drink and then go to the film with me, let me know!


At 9:22 AM, Blogger emjaro said...

Ah, I missed ya. How was the flick?

At 10:34 AM, Blogger emjaro said...

Ok, I think coffee just came flying out of my nose when I read that one. Usually I don't like loud soundtracks, but I guess if they serve the purpose of covering up other people's slurping, then please - by all means.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Shawn said...

Did it sound like a kitten cracking moist knuckles?

At 11:59 PM, Blogger Matthew said...

DUDE... Jefferey and I saw "We Don't..." thanks to a free screening from $3 Bill Cinema (as in "Gay as a $3..."), and it was awesome. Okay, perhaps I was swayed by the sight of Colin Farrell making out with another guy (I can hear 7 of 9 making her opinion known right now, in fact), but OMG, it was an excellent movie!! KEK, we're gonna have a rumble about this one... ;)

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

I'm pretty sure Matthew's thinking of "A Home at the End of the World"...

...or a dream he had.

One of the two.


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